Executive Coach & Organizational Consultant
Arina Nitschke
As a relational coach I invite you and your team on a journey of self-awareness in a safe, receptive and supportive space
( About )
My name is Arina and I have always had a deep interest in people, their thoughts, feelings and motivation behind actions
Coaching is a unique individual journey that allows mind to slow down, reflect and make next steps with greater awareness and confidence
It helps taking mindful decisions for individuals, teams and organizations, while staying true to one's values. It addresses difficult dynamics, identifies stumbling blocks, releases tension and allows one to move forward with lightness and confidence.
Together we will create an environment for self-reflection, identify core themes that drive decisions and raise awareness on how they influence your personal and professional life.
My diverse cultural and professional background allows me to see beyond what meets the eye and gives courage to address and challenge underlying dynamics. I am delighted to witness the journey of self-awareness, growth of confidence and trust to oneself and the people around.
Having launched several start-ups and taken several corporate jobs in various countries I found time and space to make passion my profession — recognising emotions and how they guide our actions and decision making. I was born and raised in Estonia, relocated many times and settled down in Switzerland. I work as a personal and organizational coach with individuals, teams and senior executives.
( Education )
Executive Coach, Hult Ashridge
Executive Master in Change Management, INSEAD
MSc in Economics
( I Work With )
( 01 )
Executives who feel pressure of being a role model when they themselves might feel tired and lost
( 02 )
Who feel constantly exhausted and run on borrowed energy resources
( 03 )
Professionals at their career crossroad
( 04 )
Parents who struggle to find balance between working and family duties
( 05 )
Individuals going through any transition (relocation, career change, getting a baby, returning back to work from a longer break, etc.)
( Team Coaching )
Identifying strength of team members and together finding the ways of being a more cohesive, self-sufficient and efficient team
Empowering clarity in communication, raising ability to hold difficult conversations and address hidden dynamics where everyone feels respected and heard
Developing ability to delegate and prioritize while achieving professional goals and feeling energy rising
( Executive Coaching )
Helping leaders to be more attuned to themselves by elevating their level of self-awareness and self-reflection which has direct impact on teams and organization
Aligning personal and professional values and goals
Gaining strength to navigate through transitions with empathy, coherence and mild power
Elevating soft skills that bring long-lasting professional results while giving personal satisfaction
Training ability to be an active listener and a coach for one’s team
( I Work With )
I have an extensive network of trusted colleagues and invite them to work together as a certain project might require
The examples of a collaboration with a partner coach include multicultural cross-continental work with a team, transition during M&A processes, multinational teams in complex set-ups, succession planning for C-suite executives, etc.
Should the task be out of scope of my competence I will refer a client to a trusted and qualified specialist.
Based in Switzerland,
Working Worldwide
Travel upon request if the project requires
Offline sessions in my office in Therwil, Switzerland (from December 2025)
( Process )
In a form of an open dialogue I will ask questions and highlight dynamics that are emerging. Together we will see how they might help or hinder the achievement of a desired outcome
After you get in touch I offer a 30-min chemistry session where we discuss the request, identify scope of work, determine how successful outcome would look like and take a mutual decision whether we want to continue together.
We discuss the format of our work, its duration, structure and fees after our first meeting.
( Free Chemistry Session )
( Personalized Coaching Journey )
What Clients
& Colleagues Say
( Reviews )
Arina possesses a rare combination of insightful analysis and profound warmth. You have the feeling in her presence she is able to hold many perspectives with depth, and that her offerings are made with great discernment and care. She worked with a key member of my office administrative team and was able to observe a key factor in our working relationship that needed attention. Arina helped us touch the emotions underneath the apparent scheduling issue and move forward with a stronger, safer, and more productive working relationship. I cannot recommend her highly enough and would hire her again in the future without hesitation.
I have had the privilege of working with Arina for the past eight months, and I would describe her coaching approach as both insightful and compassionate. Her thoughtful questions and observations foster an ideal environment for reflection.
I had a great chance to work with Arina as my coach. I really appreciate her patience and respect, and of course the way how she asked uncomfortable questions which let me think and act differently. Working with Arina was the best present I could make to myself in 2023. I strongly recommend her.
I was studying with Arina at INSEAD, and I am really impressed by her coaching skills. Thanks for all the feedbacks and impactful interactions. She is one of those group members who really turns the lights on when you are „in a tunnel“. Should I reach your level of awareness I wish I could give some in return. Thank you!
I had the pleasure to study with Arina in INSEAD. She gives incisive surgically precise feedback. Like with any surgery you are bound to feel the discomfort but you will find that the outcome is well worth it!
Contact me to schedule your free chemistry session and to tailor your coaching journey
( Get in Touch )
Contact me to schedule your free chemistry session and to tailor your coaching journey
( Get in Touch )
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